Saturday, June 28, 2008

Music Music Music!

So I went digging. Yes, I dug. I found an old trumpet in the attic, my dusty electronic drum set in the guest room closet, The Clintons-signed guitar in the cabin across the street, my brothers old electric Dean and amp in the living room, some chimes over yonder, and Rock Band drumsticks in the garage. I ran around collecting these instruments, because my ipod was dead and internet was down, and I needed music. You know, I needed to breathe. So! I set everything up in my room. And I tried playing them all. Not at the same time though, because that would be...HA HA IMPOSSIBLE HAHAHA okay I tried that too. Didn't work! I don't have any musical abilities; I used to be able to play the trumpet, but just a few notes and I thought I was the coolest person ever. But whatever! Anyways, I am so so very bored in Montana at times. So here is a video, yes a video, of me trying to play the instruments while talking on the phone to some girl in Alaska.

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